
ABSTRACT This study constructs and verifies a new statistical meta based-model to predict tunnel-boring machine (TBM) performance, namely, polynomial chaos expansion (PCE). To test the validity of the proposed PCE, two well-known mathematical models, namely, response surface method (RSM) and multivariate adaptive regression spline (MARS) were developed. According to the results, it can be found that the PCE model, with a coefficient of determination (R2 ) of 0.843, was superior in comparison with the RSM and MARS models as well as those formerly presented in the literature for the same database and rock conditions. Abbreviations: ANFIS: Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System; ANN: Artificial Neural Networks; AR: Advance Rate; BI: Rock Brittleness; BTS: Brazilian Tensile Strength; CP: Cutterhead Power; CT: Cutterhead Torque; d: Modified Agreement Index; DNN: Deep Neural Networks; DPW: Distance between Planes of Weakness; ICA: Imperialist Competitive Algorithm; MAE: Mean Absolute Error; MARS: Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline; NSE: Modified Nash and Sutcliffe Efficiency; NTNU: Norwegian Institute of Technology; PCE: Polynomial Chaos Expansion; PR: Penetration Rate; PSI: Point Strength Index; PSO: Particle Swarm Optimisation; R2: Coefficient of Determination; RF: Random Forests; RMR: Rock Mass Rating; RMSE: Root Mean Square Error; RQD: Rock Quality Designation; RSM: Response Surface Method; RSR: Rock Structure Rating; SE: Specific Energy; SVR: Support Vector Regression; TBM: Tunnel-Boring Machine; TF: Thrust Force; UCS: Uniaxial Compressive Strength; WZ: Weathering Zone; α: Planes Of weakness.

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