
Chronic hepatitis C (CHC) has a prevalence rate of 0.43% in China and approximately 10 million chronically infected people are in urgent need of treatment. Since the beginning of 2013, pan-genotypic sofosbuvir (SOF) with its potent antiviral activity, minimal drug resistance, less drug-drug interactions and good safety has created a new era in HCV treatment. Its combination with ribavirin, in single tablet regimen with either ledipasvir or velpatasvir has been widely used in about 1.6 million patients worldwide. Furthermore, SOF-based therapy is proven to be effective and safe in serious or terminal illness such as decompensated cirrhosis, liver or kidney transplantation, HIV or HBV co-infections, bleeding disorders, intravenous drug users, adolescents, and elderly. Therefore, SOF-based regimens would fill the unmet medical needs of our patients with HCV.

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