
The consideration being given to the adoption of the flashing yellow arrow (FYA) permissive indication has led to a number of additional studies evaluating potential scenarios in which FYA may be effectively used. One potential scenario is in intersections with wide medians where the left-turn lane and the corresponding signals are separated from the adjacent through and right-turn lanes. Left-turn maneuvers at locations with wide medians typically operate with protected-only left-turn phasing and separate signal displays, as drivers cannot see the adjacent through movement signals; however, some transportation professionals have implemented a flashing red arrow (FRA) that requires drivers to first stop before accepting a gap in the opposing traffic stream. This research quantified driver comprehension of the FYA permissive indications compared with that of the FRA indication for use at locations with wide medians. The research used both driving simulator and static experiments with 264 drivers responding...

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