
Dentistry is an exacting and physically demanding profession which requires absolute accuracy and precision on part of the dentist. In the pursuit to bring that perfect smile on the face of the patient, the dentist many a times is subjected to pain and discomfort. Most of the clinical time of a dentist’s life constitutes long durations of an awkward posture, steady hands and precise movements. It is, hence, a profession hounded by musculoskeletal disorders (MSD’s) since its very inception. Dentists are forced into unhealthy postures and strained positions according to their working conditions for long stretches. Muscular pain and soreness are usually slow to appear in dental professionals. However, if the detrimental postures or movements continue to be repeated, they may finally pave the way for crippling conditions affecting different parts of the body including joints, muscles, tendons and nerves. This in turn results in decreased working capacity and efficiency. Posturedontics is a way to work smarter not harder by designing tools, equipment, work stations, and tasks to fit the job to the worker. Most dentists are not adequately trained or educated about Posturedontics during their undergraduate programme, this can lead to costly investment in non-ergonomic dental equipments, poor positioning techniques, and generic exercises that can actually worsen their health. Hence, it is prerogative of every dentist to seek education and training on Musculoskeletal health, principles of ergonomics, exercises to avoid MSD’s, relaxation techniques and maintenance of healthy postures. Since the field of Posturedontics is not given much heed, the aim of this review is to highlight the need of ergonomics, positioning, postures and prevention of MSD's among dentists.

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