
Following surgical procedures in thoracic surgery a chest X-ray is routinely performed and its necessity is rarely questioned. However, there are differences in the time frame of such radiological procedures. Especially after minor procedures such as mediastinoscopy there is a wide variation from a chest X-ray immediately after surgical intervention to an image only on the following day. Also, in some hospitals patients undergo only clinical but no radiological examination. No recommendations are available in the literature. Following video-mediastinoscopy with good visualisation of all structures it appeared that a chest X-ray could be waived. 95 consecutive patients were prospectively randomised into two groups, either receiving chest X-ray four hours postoperatively or no chest X-ray. All patients were clinically examined on the evening of the day of mediastinoscopy. 48 % of the patients had a chest X-ray, 52 % did not and underwent only clinical examination. No surgical revision was necessary in either group, no difference in therapeutic consequences was noted. As a result we discontinued chest X-rays after mediastinoscopy. There are only sparse data concerning postoperative chest X-rays in thoracic surgery patients. In a study on children and young adults undergoing a Nuss procedure routine radiological examination was substituted by clinical indication resulting in a lower rate of thoracic drain placement. A chest X-ray to document the location of the metal bar prior to discharge was felt to be sufficient. In patients undergoing cardiac procedures daily routine chest X-rays on the intensive care ward were replaced by on-demand X-ray in a study without any change in length of stay, readmission or mortality. The same was found for chest X-rays following drain removal in cardiac patients: routine radiological examination seems not to be indicated. As a consequence of our own observational study on mediastinoscopy we have discontinued postoperative X-ray as the patients are examined clinically. All other patients undergoing thoracic surgery procedures who are observed in the intensive care unit receive the first chest X-ray in the morning following surgery. Only if complete expansion of the lung is warranted (pleurodesis, pneumothorax) an X-ray is performed on the day of surgery.

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