
We examined the expression of claudin-11 (CLDN11) in the testes and male reproductive tracts of rabbits. The rabbit CLDN11 cDNA sequences were nearly identical with human, mouse, and bovine CLDN11. The levels of CLDN11 mRNA and protein (22 kDa) were markedly increased in the testis during adult development. On postnatal day (PND) 10, CLDN11 was colocalized with ZO-1 at the lateral contacts between adjacent Sertoli cells and was perpendicular to the basal lamina. In adult testis on PND 180, CLDN11 was codistributed with ZO1, and the pattern of immunoreactivity consisted of wavy linear tracts parallel to the basal lamina, which was different according to the spermatogenic stage. These results suggest that CLDN11 participates in inter-Sertoli cell tight junctions (TJs) at the blood-testis barrier in adult rabbits. CLDN11 was also found in the basal regions of Sertoli cells adjacent to the basal lamina in adult testis, suggesting that CLDN11 also participates in the adhesion between Sertoli cells and the basal lamina. CLDN11 mRNA and protein expressions were decreased in the adult epididymis compared with those in immature animals. In adults, CLDN11 mRNA levels were relatively high in the efferent duct, followed by those in the vas deferens, proximal corpus, and distal cauda, although low levels were observed in the initial segment and caput. On PND 10, CLDN11 immunoreactivity was identified at the apicolateral contacts between adjacent epithelial cells in the epididymis and vas deferens. In adults, CLDN11 was found in the nonciliated cells in the efferent duct and at the lateral contacts in the epithelial cells in the epididymal segments. In the caput, CLDN11 was found at the apicolateral contacts between adjacent epithelial cells, but expression was weak to negligible in the corpus of the vas deferens. CLDN11 may play an important role in TJs and cell adhesion in immature rabbit excurrent duct epithelia. In adult rabbits, CLDN11 in efferent duct epithelium and epididymal epithelium may contribute to the specific environment for sperm maturation.

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