
Arthropods are important components of ecosystems because of the roles they play in pollination, herbivory, granivory, predator–prey interactions, decomposition and nutrient cycling, and soil disturbances. Many species are critical to the structure and functioning of their ecosystem, although some (particularly insects) are considered pests in farmlands and forests because of their detrimental effects from feeding on foliage and transferring pathogens to trees and crops. Arthropods also constitute a high-protein prey resource for vertebrate wildlife (especially small mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians), thus contributing to the existence and stability of thesewildlife species. As such, studies of arthropod population dynamics and changes in species assemblages following natural disturbances are important for understanding ecosystem responses. In the case of the Mount St. Helens volcanic eruption, studies of arthropods not only can provide information on natural history and ecology of many different species but also are relevant for evaluating theories of disturbance ecology and postdisturbance successional processes. The 1980 eruption ofMount St. Helens provided researchers with an opportunity to test a wide range of theories concerning the structure and functioning of ecosystems. In particular, the existence of a continuum of disturbance intensity across a large landscape made possible a suite of comparative studies that evaluated the influence of different levels of volcanic disturbance on the survival and initial recolonization patterns of plants and animals. For example, researchers to date have documented the survival and reestablishment of a number of plant species and described the patterns and rates of vegetation successional processes of the disturbed ecosystems (see Lawrence, Chapter 8, this volume;Antos andZobel, Chapter 4, this volume; Dale et al., Chapter 5, this volume; del Moral et al., Chapter 7, this volume; and references therein). In addition, numerous faunal studies havequantified the eruption’s impacts on survival and subsequent short-term responses of small mammals (Andersen 1982;Andersen andMacMahon 1985a,b; Adams et al. 1986a; Johnson 1986; MacMahon et al. 1989; Crisafulli et al., Chapter 14, this volume), birds (Andersen andMacMahon 1986), amphibians (Karlstrom 1986; Hawkins et al. 1988; Crisafulli and Hawkins 1998; Crisafulli et al., Chapter 13, this volume), and arthropods (Edwards et al. 1986; Sugg 1989; Edwards and Sugg 1993; Crawford et al. 1995; Sugg and Edwards 1998; Edwards and Sugg, Chapter 9, this volume). Information collected on the fauna and flora of Mount St. Helens during the past 20 years facilitates the analysis of recolonization patterns in the context of two ecological theories: relay successional processes (MacMahon 1981) and the intermediate-disturbance hypothesis (Connell 1978). The term relay succession refers to the sequential replacement of species (plant and animal) in an ecosystem recovering from some form of disturbance. This process typically begins with species that either survived the disturbance or immigrated to the site shortly thereafter. Some of these species are well adapted to the disturbed conditions of the site and can greatly increase in abundance, whereas others are poorly adapted and become locally extinct. Biotic interactions (competition, predation, herbivory, and parasitic and disease infections), coupled with abiotic factors (extremes of temperature or moisture), often determine the success or failure of each species survival. Through time, as different species colonize the site, they alter the environment’s characteristics (e.g., plant regrowth provides shade, cools soil surface temperatures, increases soil moisture and organic matter, and provides substrate for fungi and vegetation for herbivores). As the environmental conditions change, new opportunities are created for additional species to colonize and dominate, eventually replacing established species that have become competitively inferior in the altered environment; hence, the “relay” of species during postdisturbance succession. This process applies to both plant and animal species assemblages and inherently involves complex interactions among plants and animals (MacMahon 1981). The second theory, the intermediate-disturbance hypothesis (Connell 1978), addresses the patterns of species richness

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