
To the Editor." We read with interest the article in Skeletal Rad io logy by Phillips and Keats , repor t ing two cases o f pos t t r auma t i c cyst-like lesions [8]. The i r first obse rva t ion is p r o b a b l y similar to the descr ipt ion we m a d e in a fo rmer article [6]. However , we are surpr ised tha t the au thors quest ion the significance of the c o m p u t e d t o m o g r a p h y (CT) da ta collected in one o f our pat ients showing tha t the defect had a fa t content ( 8 0 H U ) (Fig. 1). Phillips and Kea t s " f i n d the significance o f this CT n u m b e r uncer ta in due to the difficulty

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