
Purpose: To document the post operative anterior chamber reaction in adultcataract surgery after adding heparin in irrigation solution.Material and Methods: It was a Quasi Experimental Study in which 193 eyes ofpatients, with ages 50 years to 75 years, were selected by Convenience (NonProbability) sampling technique for cataract surgery in Redo Eye hospital,Rawalpindi from Feb 2011 to Dec 2011. All the cases under went operation bythe single surgeon having expertise in the technique of manual suturelesscataract surgery (MSCS). At the beginning of the surgery, 1 ml of heparinsodium (concentration 10 IU/ml) was added to the balanced salt solution toirrigate the anterior chamber during the surgery. All patients were followed on thefirst post operative day and after one week. At follow up visits, postoperativeintraocular cellular reaction based upon modified Hogan’s classification wasnoted.Results: On the first post operative day, 5.2% of the cases had mild and 1%cases had moderate anterior chamber reaction. The patient were put on thestandard topical treatment and on first week follow up the anterior chamberreaction was absent in all of the cases.Conclusion: We found that after adding heparin in the irrigating solution therewas mild anterior chamber reaction in 5.2% of our cases and it can play a role toreduce the post operative inflammation in adult cataract surgery.Key Words: Cataract Surgery, Heparin, Anterior Chamber

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