
Plagioclase lherzolites of Nain melange, Iran, show peculiar textures that indicate melt impregnation: (1) droplet or bleb-like grains of plagioclase distributed in the peridotite matrix, (2) plagioclase-bearing clinopyroxenite seams, and (3) trails of plagioclase crosscutting pyroxene porphyroclasts. The textural characteristics show post-deformational igneous formation of plagioclase, and possibly, associated clinopyroxene, from the impregnating melt. The melt has precipitated the clinopyroxenite seams and chemically modified all the peridotite minerals. Highly refractory compositions of the precipitated minerals suggest involvement of a highly depleted MORB-like melt. The melt was an increment of partial melt produced by 8% to 10% fractional melting from the MORB source. This is in contrast to the involvement of ordinary MORB in melt impregnation in abyssal plagioclase peridotites. Integration of increments of mantle partial melts to form MORB was possibly incomplete in the very incipient mid-ocean ridge as in the short-lived Nain back-arc basin.

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