
Multicomponent stimuli improve information reception. In women, perceived facial and vocal femininity-masculinity (FM) are concordant; however, mixed results are found for men. Some feminine and masculine traits are related to sex hormone action and can indicate reproductive qualities. However, most of the current research about human mate choice focuses on isolated indicators, especially visual assessment of faces. We therefore examined the cross-modal concordance hypothesis by testing correlations between perceptions of FM based on facial, vocal, and behavioral stimuli. Standardized facial pictures, vocal recordings and dance videos of 38 men and 41 women, aged 18–35 years, were rated by 21 male and 43 female students, aged 18–35 years, on 100-point scale (0 = very feminine; 100 = very masculine). All participants were Brazilian students from University of Sao Paulo. In women, facial and vocal FM correlated positively, suggesting concordant information about mate quality. Such results were not found in men, indicating multiple messages, which agree with women’s multifaceted preference for male FM. In both sexes, FM of dance did not correlate with voices or faces, indicating different information and distinct process of development. We thus partially supported the cross-modal concordance hypothesis.

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