
The paper compares the housing markets in the 17 biggest cities in Poland according to their diversity in time. The level of diversification is analyzed by examining the distance from the Warsaw housing market, which was the benchmark. This approach enabled an evaluation of the distances between Warsaw, Poland’s capital city, and other cities. Standardised measures were applied to evaluate changes in time. In the research, the Canberra distance was applied because it depends on relative differences between the values of the variables analysed. The parameters of the trends of the distances were estimated. Additionally, dynamic development measures were calculated using the TOPSIS method.The analysis concerns the prices of apartments on the primary and secondary markets in the years 2006–2016. This period includes different phases of business cycle: the boom in 2006–2008, the fall in 2009–2012 and the slow climb out the deep crisis afterwards. Other features of the housing market were also considered. The results obtained may provide clues to how governmental housing policy will shape up in order to support the less developed housing markets in Bydgoszcz, Łódź, Katowice and Opole.

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