
Habitat fragmentation often leads to small and isolated plant populations as well as decreased habitat quality. These processes can fundamentally disrupt the interactions between plants and pollinators and decrease reproductive success. This concerns especially self-incompatible, non-clonal species that depend on pollination for successful reproduction.In two rare and endangered heathland plant species, Genista anglica and G. pilosa, we examined pollination and reproduction in relation to population size. Eight populations of G. anglica and ten populations of G. pilosa were surveyed in the vicinity of Bremen, NW-Germany. We counted the visits of pollinators (honeybees, bumblebees, and other insects) and determined the reproductive output of the observed shoots.Contrary to our expectation to find increased pollinator visitation rates in larger populations of both Genista species, the number of flower-visiting insects was unrelated to the number of flowering shoots. Increasing shoot length had a positive and increasing temperature a negative impact on the number of visiting honeybees and bumblebees. Despite the general absence of population size effects on pollinator numbers, the number of fruits and seeds in G. anglica increased with increasing population size. Fruit and seed set in G. pilosa were negatively related to the number of ‘other insects’. Our field observations showed that larger populations of both Genista species flowered earlier than smaller populations and much earlier than reported in the literature. Flowering in large populations therefore tends to coincide less well with pollinator abundance, and this may cause a disruption of the temporal coincidence between flowering phenology and pollinator activity.

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