
Understanding the impact of employee poor performance and dealing with it immediately is very important to curb the negative element in the organization especially if left unattended. The study aimed at identifying the root causes and consequences of employee poor work performance and to explore the possible solutions. The results of the study exhibited how much the role of the management in the performance of the members. The morale of the members is important for the organisation’s success to improve the level of performance and productivity. Cambridge Police Station was identified as one of the contributors and was producing the expected desired result on performance especially on the operational programmes. Main drivers of poor performance were explored focusing on Visible Policing and Detective Components; the reasons for the employee low morale and the relationship between employer and employee. The study also takes into consideration the work environment with regard to resources and skills required for the members to perform their duties with the aim to maximize their performance. In any company or organisation it becomes imperative to consider return on investment, to ensure that resources utilized are yielding the desired outcome. Quantitative research approach was followed utilising an interpretive descriptive design to obtain the information. Structured questionnaires deemed to be relevant for data collection for this study. The response to the study was marginal with 70% [n=30] responses received. Data analysis included identifying and comparing existence of factors that affect the members personally and work related factors that threatens turnover intensions. The study participants composed members working at the Community Service Centre, Complaint attendance and Investigating Officers in the Cambridge Police Station precinct regardless of levels. The results revealed various factors that affect the performance of the station. The study findings showed a problem with regard to management aspects in terms of effective communication, lack of resources, implementation of performance appraisal system, recognition of good performance done by members and members’ views are not given recognition. These aspects played a negative effect on member’s morale that adversely affected the overall performance; hence the members lacked motivation and recognition by managers.

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