
Aim. To study the dependence of the effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy on the polymorphic variants of candidate genes of the RAAS (ACE, AGT, AGTR1) in patients with hypertension (АH) of the population of Mountain Shoria.
 Materials and methods. In the conditions of the expeditions from 2013 to 2017, the population of Mountain Shoria was surveyed. Included 1409 people 18 years and older. Blood pressure monitoring was carried out as a result of office measurement, according to the standard recommendations of National Guidelines of the Russian Society of Cardiology/the Russian Medical Society on Arterial Hypertension (2010). As a result of the survey, patients with AH were identified for further observation (597 people) who need medical antihypertensive treatment. Repeat screening was conducted in a year. The criterion for inclusion in prospective observation of patients with hypertension was: regular intake of prescribed medication. 253 respondents were surveyed: indigenous (156 people) and non-indigenous (97 people) nationality. All patients underwent a standard examination, including the collection of complaints and anamnesis, an assessment of objective status, laboratory and instrumental studies. Polymorphisms of genes ACE (I/D, rs 4340), AGT (c.803T C, rs699), AGTR1 (A1166C, rs5186) were tested using polymerase chain reaction.
 Results. Dynamic observation of patients with hypertension found that in the cohort of Shors the target level of blood pressure reached the owners of heterozygous I/D and minor D/D genotypes of the ACE gene, carriers of T/C and C/C genotypes of the AGT gene and the homozygous genotype A/A of the AGTR1 gene. In the non-indigenous nationality cohort, only carriers of the D/D genotype of the ACE gene.
 Conclusion. National differences were identified with respect to the sensitivity of the pharmacological response to treatment, which once again proves the important role of taking into account the ethnic factor in the choice of drug.


  • patients with AH were identified for further observation

  • Repeat screening was conducted in a year

  • that in the cohort of Shors the target level of blood pressure reached the owners of heterozygous I

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Динамическое наблюдение пациентов с данным заболеванием установило, что достигали целевого уровня АД в когорте шорцев обладатели гетерозиготного I/D и минорного D/D генотипов, в когорте некоренной национальности – носители только D/D генотипа указанного гена Среди шорцев у лиц с генотипами I/D и D/D гена ACE наблюдалось статистически значимое снижение среднего САД со 162,1±19,7 мм рт. D/D генотипа наблюдалось статистически значимое снижение как САД, так и ДАД: цифры АД при первичном осмотре составили 152,1±23,1 и 93,0±14,2 мм рт.

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