
A preparation method of polymer modified electrodes using bathophenanthroline disulfonate and polycations such as poly(N‐methylpyridinium iodide) (MPVP), poly(N‐methylethyleneimine) (MPEI), and polyethylmethacrylate triethylammonium chloride (PEMA) is described. The resulting modified electrodes are examined as specifically functionalized electrode surfaces to iron (II) and (III). The incorporation of iron (II) at the modified electrodes is almost quantitative. The wave observed at about +0.9V vs. SCE is due to the redox reaction of iron complexes in the polymer films. The modified electrodes are observed visually to change quickly from red to transparent during the cycling of the potential. The risetimes of the coloration and the decoloration are less than 0.2 sec. A seven‐segment display showing the digit 8 is demonstrated.

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