
AbstractThe phase behavior and scattering properties of polymer blends, copolymers and networks in solution and in bulk are examined. The theoretical framework used here is based upon the extension of the random phase approximation to polymers proposed by de Gennes and its application to chains with various architectures. The case of blends containing stiff chains is considered and the effect of nematic interaction on the phase behavior and scattering properties is discussed. The compressibility problem is reviewed in connection with the free volume theory models. The coupling between density and composition fluctuations is examined together with the effects of pressure on the structural and thermodynamic properties of blends. The dynamics of copolymers are also examined in the light of the new developments both from the theoretical and experimental fronts. The extent to which the chain architecture affects phase behavior, static scattering and dynamic behavior is discussed. A particular emphasis is put on the case of cyclichomopolymers and copolymers. Free chains in a network and crosslinked blends are also a subject of particular interest in this paper. The interplay between macrophase and microphase transitions due to the crosslinks and the electrostatic forces for charged polymers is also considered. De Gennes' analogy betwen the elastic restoring forces in the network and the Coulomb forces in the dielectric medium is generalized by including the screening phenomenon. This generalization is required in order to account for the experimental observations in the low momentum transfer range. Following Briber et al., it is argued that the new screening length can be related to the initial fluctuations at the temperature of crosslinking.

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