
The study was conducted to quantify the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) accumulation in urban soils from different functional areas via atmospheric inputs with particulate matter. PAH concentration and pattern were measured in the particulate matter of snow depositions, in the upper layers of artificial soils from densely built-up areas and in the undisturbed natural soils (Umbric Retisols) from green park area. Samples were collected in 2011–2013 at 58 sites with different traffic activities located at the territory of the Eastern Administrative Okrug of Moscow. The soil samples and filters with particulate matter were extracted by pressurized liquid extraction using Dionex ASE200. Clean-up analyses were performed on SPE cartridges filled with silica gel. Concentrations of PAHs were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography using an Agilent 1100 System equipped with fluorescent detector. Mean values of PAH input with snow particles were 45–57 μg/m2 for recreational and residential zones, and 140–264 μg/m2 for traffic zones. The samples of depositions from different functional areas showed a similar PAH pattern and consisted primarily of 3–4-ring PAHs. Total PAH concentrations in upper layers of artificial soils showed similar mean values of 1.43–2.21 μg/g for all functional zones. The PAH content in soils from the park area was twofold lower than that from the built-up area (0.34–0.63 μg/g), despite equal levels of atmosphere contamination on these territories. The upper layers of natural soils from recreational and traffic zones showed slight differences in PAH content, though PAH input with snow was fivefold higher in the traffic zone. Compared with airborne depositions, soils contained significant amounts of 5–6-ring PAHs. A high level of soil PAH contamination in urban areas of Moscow, several orders of magnitude higher than the current PAH input to them from the atmosphere, indicates a lack of direct connection of the PAH pool in soils with this source. The high PAH content in the upper layer of constructed soils can be the result of repeated use of materials subjected to a constant technogenic impact for the production of artificial soils.

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