
These experiments were designed to test polyamine (PA) involvement in the secretion and action of transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) in hormone responsive MCF-7 breast cancer cells in liquid culture. At the same time, we evaluated the influence of culture conditions (with serum vs. serum depleted) and subclonality of MCF-7 cells on PA involvement in estrogen (E2) and TGF-alpha stimulated cell proliferation. Despite inducing a profound suppression of cellular PA levels and inhibiting basal and E2-stimulated growth, administration of the PA synthesis inhibitor alpha-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) did not influence either basal or E2-induced TGF-alpha secretion. In the same experiments, on the other hand, addition of DFMO completely blocked the growth stimulatory effect of exogenous TGF-alpha. However, when the culture conditions were changed to serum-free medium, TGF-alpha and E2-induced cell proliferation was affected modestly or not at all by DFMO administration, despite similar suppression of cellular ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity and PA levels. In addition, different clones of MCF-7 cells differed in their sensitivity to the antiproliferative effect of DFMO as well as in basal levels of ODC activity and PA. We conclude that PAs are not involved in basal or E2-stimulated TGF-alpha secretion in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. On the other hand, PAs do seem to be important mediators of TGF-alpha and E2-induced breast cancer cell proliferation, though the degree of such involvement appears to be influenced by serum factors and clonal variability of MCF-7 cells.

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