
• Pollination dynamics was studied in a Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seed orchard using 8 nuclear microsatellite markers and pedigree reconstruction. • The seed orchard consisted of 49 parents (clones). Cone-crop management included bloom delay and supplemental mass pollination (SMP) using 12 internal and 4 external pollen donors. • A random sample of 801 bulk seeds was genotyped for both haploid megagametophyte and corresponding diploid embryo. • Using the parental population’s multilocus genotypes, full pedigree reconstruction generated all the information needed to estimate the maternal, paternal, and parental reproductive success, selfing, pollen contamination, and pollination success of the 4 external pollen donors. • Maternal, paternal, and parental reproductive success varied with 80% of gametes being produced by 23, 45, and 37% of the orchard’s parents, respectively, resulting in a drastically reduced effective population size as compared to the census number (14 vs. 53). • Selfing, pollen contamination, and aggregate SMP success (internal and external) were estimated to be 15.2, 10.4, and 15.0%, respectively. • Full pedigree reconstruction was effective in unraveling the orchard’s pollination dynamics and both female and male reproductive success.

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