
ProblemThe challenge of implementing contributory health insurance among populations in the informal sector was a barrier to achieving universal health coverage (UHC) in Thailand.ApproachUHC was a political manifesto of the 2001 election campaign. A contributory system was not a feasible option to honour the political commitment. Given Thailand’s fiscal capacity and the moderate amount of additional resources required, the government legislated to use general taxation as the sole source of financing for the universal coverage scheme.Local settingBefore 2001, four public health insurance schemes covered only 70% (44.5 million) of the 63.5 million population. The health ministry received the budget and provided medical welfare services for low-income households and publicly subsidized voluntary insurance for the informal sector. The budgets for supply-side financing of these schemes were based on historical figures which were inadequate to respond to health needs. The finance ministry used its discretionary power in budget allocation decisions.Relevant changesTax became the sole source of financing the universal coverage scheme. Transparency, multistakeholder engagement and use of evidence informed budgetary negotiations. Adequate funding for UHC was achieved, providing access to services and financial protection for vulnerable populations. Out-of-pocket expenditure, medical impoverishment and catastrophic health spending among households decreased between 2000 and 2015.Lessons learntDomestic government health expenditure, strong political commitment and historical precedence of the tax-financed medical welfare scheme were key to achieving UHC in Thailand. Using evidence secures adequate resources, promotes transparency and limits discretionary decision-making in budget allocation.


  • Though there are several approaches to financing universal health coverage (UHC), tax-based schemes have been advocated by the World Health Organization and international development partners

  • Taxation can be a progressive method of raising government funds for health and has lower administrative costs and is more feasible than contributory health insurance schemes.[1]

  • The challenge of enforcing mandatory insurance premiums for health care among populations in the informal sector is a major barrier to achieving UHC.[2]

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Lessons from Lessons from the field the field

Viroj Tangcharoensathien,a Jadej Thammatach-aree,b Woranan Witthayapipopsakul,a Shaheda Viriyathorn,a Anond Kulthanmanusorna & Walaiporn Patcharanarumola. Problem The challenge of implementing contributory health insurance among populations in the informal sector was a barrier to achieving universal health coverage (UHC) in Thailand. Given Thailand’s fiscal capacity and the moderate amount of additional resources required, the government legislated to use general taxation as the sole source of financing for the universal coverage scheme. The health ministry received the budget and provided medical welfare services for low-income households and publicly subsidized voluntary insurance for the informal sector. Relevant changes Tax became the sole source of financing the universal coverage scheme. Lessons learnt Domestic government health expenditure, strong political commitment and historical precedence of the tax-financed medical welfare scheme were key to achieving UHC in Thailand. Using evidence secures adequate resources, promotes transparency and limits discretionary decision-making in budget allocation

Local setting
Relevant changes
Governance and relationships between providers and funding agencies
Lesson learnt
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