
The executive power is a gravitational center of political power, that is the basic lever of the mechanism of power and at the same time, one of the key elements for determining the character of the political system. In order to prevent or disable the concentration of power in the hands of the executive power, political and legal thought have repeatedly sought for effective mechanisms for restricting that power and keeping it under control. The executive power in order not to turn it into its negation, must be as fully and accurately dimensioned and limited as possible. The nicules of the idea of political control emerged with the division of power and the need for mutual control and limitation of the various branches of government. In order to mitigate and neutralize the possibility of abuse, one of the mechanisms is to organize the government in a way that one authority oversees the other authority. In that sense, in the relations between the legislature and the executive, it is necessary for the legislation to have no legal means to stop the decisions of the executive power, but with the possibility and authority to control it. Conversely, the executive has the right to veto the legal acts, but can not participate in their voting. Political control is one of the essential and standardly established functions of parliaments in all countries with a parliamentary or mixed system of government organization. It is a process in which parliament continuously and systematically monitors, analyzes, checks and evaluates the work of the government. In addition, the controlling parliamentary prism observes the overall work of the government as a collegial body of the executive power and the work of ministers as its members in terms of whether they achieve the goals and policies of parliament expressed in the constitution and laws, and whether the manner of who act, the means and the methods they use are purposeful. Subtlety in the use of instruments of political control is necessary in order not to jeopardize the fundamentals of the independence of the executive, that is, not to undermine the necessary independence of the ministers in undertaking measures within the scope of their portfolio, as well as on the activities for consistent implementation of government policy in general. However, political control, on the other hand, has been established, first of all, to prevent the independence of the holders of the executive power from reaching beyond the limits of the normatively projected trajectory of movement and action, not to turn into arbitrariness and voluntarism, not to manifest ignorant attitude towards the policies and attitudes of the parliament expressed in the laws, and thus indirectly in accordance with the will of the citizens represented in the parliament. In labor, through a wide-angle view will be analyzed and processed the institutes of political control and political responsibility of the government in certain systems of state power, with particular emphasis on the parliamentary system. In the focus of the scientific-research interest will be the deep and extensive study and awareness of the immanent features of the forms through which the parliamentary control of the administration is effectuated and animated. Also, in this context, the author's intention is to capture the effectiveness of individual control mechanisms.

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