
A growing body of research points to the influence of animosity in general and political animosity in particular (henceforth referred to as PA) on tourism behavior. However, past research overlooked the role of perceived intergroup threat (henceforth referred to as PIT) and trust in the context of PA. This research note challenges previous theoretical frameworks designed to elucidate animosity as a consumer phenomenon. Preliminary research findings suggest PIT, tourist trust, and overall destination image (henceforth referred to as ODI) are salient constructs accounting for a substantial proportion of explained variances in the proposed model. Initial analyses of the research data suggest that PA is more strongly associated with trust than willingness to travel (henceforth referred to as WTT). Furthermore, ODI partly mediates the relationship between PA and WTT. Several practical implications are suggested to assist intermediate to high-ranking administrators in the industry mitigate the effect of the health crisis on their companies.

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