
Policy termination received less scholarly attention than other policy processes such as policy formulation, adoption, implementation and evaluation that are in frequent discourse. The last function which completes the loop, termination, is only within our subconscious minds. Policy termination is a cessation of specific government‘s policies and programs. It implies that there is no need to continue with less outcomes and satisfactions from the clients. ‘Sunset law’ or legislative provision determines the longevity of a policy or program. The objective of this article is to examine the underlying causes of policy termination, its obstacles and implication to Ethiopian policy practices. Key Terms : Public policy process, policy termination, and ‘sunset’ law. DOI : 10.7176/PPAR/9-5-03 Publication date :May 31 st 2019


  • It may refer to policy redirection, program elimination, agency termination, fiscal retrenchments, etc. (Stewart, Hedge and Lester 2008). Scholars such as Brewer (1978) and Kaufman (1976) hold that policy termination became an area of study in the mid of 1970s upon scholars focus on the termination of organizations as a means of ending outworn or inadequate policies or programs

  • The common stages used to complete the loop and organizations and their managers rarely bother about policy termination

  • Termination is the difficult phase of the policy cycle

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2. Causes for policy failure and its eventual termination So far, we attempted to look into the conceptual, historical and theoretical perspectives of institutional or policy termination. C) Anti-termination Coalition Public policies or programs have their own target groups.

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