
Aim. The main objective of this study is represented by a clinical and epidemiological evaluation of the impact that biologic therapy exerts on patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Material and methods. We have performed a study on a lot made up of 92 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, treated and accounted for inside the Rheumatology Clinic of Cantacuzino Hospital Bucharest, where they underwent biologic therapy, and we have analyzed the epidemiological, clinical and paraclinical data, establishing correlations with the received therapy. Results. Results show that the lot was predominantly made up of patients from urban areas, with an average education level. Men have presented higher percentages of highly seropositive forms, whereas women had higher DAS 28 and increased ESR levels, as well as more frequently associated cardiovascular pathology, dyslipidemia and diabetes mellitus. A connection between the evolution of the disease and the number of births could not be confirmed. Smokers have recorded different responses to biologic therapy. Dyslipidemia was present in 69.6% of the patients, but cholesterol levels did not positively correlate with inflammation markers and were not influenced by treatment in order to establish a statistical significance, although patients treated with etanercept presented decreased levels of cholesterol. 89.1% of patients with dyslipidemia already had statins included in their therapy. The evolution of DAS 28 and ESR in the studied lot was in favor of patients treated with adalimumab and rituximab. Conclusions. An urban lifestyle, the level of education (an average level), gender, menopause, and smoking as well as intensely positive serology have all represented factors which determined the onset and evolution of rheumatoid arthritis. Smokers exhibited decreased responses to biologic therapy.


  • Procentul de fumători a fost redus (13%) și am identificat diferenţe semnificative statistic faţă de nefumători doar în valorile IMC, care au fost mai scăzute la fumători (p = 0,005)

  • Dyslipidemia was present in 69.6% of the patients, but cholesterol levels did not positively correlate with inflammation markers and were not influenced by treatment in order to establish a statistical significance, patients treated with etanercept presented decreased levels of cholesterol. 89.1% of patients with dyslipidemia already had statins included in their therapy

  • Dougados M., Soubrier M., Antunez A., et al Prevalence of comorbidities in rheumatoid arthritis and evaluation of their monitoring: results of an international, cross-sectional study (COMORA), Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 Jan; 73(1): 62-68

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Am realizat un studiu pe un lot de 92 de pacienţi cu poliartrită reumatoidă, aflaţi în evidenţa Clinicii de Reumatologie „Cantacuzino“ Bucureşti, care primeau terapie biologică, şi am analizat datele epidemiologice, clinice şi paraclinice, dar şi corelaţia lor cu terapia primită. Fumătorii au prezentat răspuns diferit la terapia biologică. Dislipidemia a fost prezentă la 69,6% dintre pacienţi, dar nivelul de colesterol nu s-a corelat cu markerii de inflamaţie şi nu a fost influenţat semnificativ statistic de medicaţie, deşi pacienţii trataţi cu etanercept au prezentat niveluri mai scăzute de colesterol. Gradul de instruire (nivel mediu), sexul, menopauza, fumatul, serologia intens pozitivă au reprezentat factori care s-au corelat cu evoluţia poliartritei reumatoide. Fumătorii au prezentat un răspuns mai slab la terapia biologică

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