
Abstract An analysis of the off-shell $H^\ast\rightarrow ZZ \rightarrow \overline{\ell}_1\ell_1\overline{\ell}_2\ell_2$ decay width is presented for both unpolarized and polarized $Z$ gauge bosons in the scenario with the most general $H^*ZZ$ vertex function, which is given in terms of two $CP$-even ($\hat b_Z$ and $\hat c_Z$) and one $CP$-odd ($\tilde b_Z$) anomalous couplings.
 The SM contributions to the $H^*ZZ$ coupling up to the one-loop level are also included. Explicit analytic results for the unpolarized and polarized $H^\ast\rightarrow ZZ \rightarrow \overline{\ell}_1\ell_1\overline{\ell}_2\ell_2$ square amplitudes and the four-body phase space are presented, out of which several observable quantities can be obtained straightforwardly. As far as the numerical analysis is concerned, a cross-check is performed via Madgraph, where our model was implemented with the aid of FeynRules.
We then consider the most stringent bounds on anomalous complex $H^*ZZ$ couplings and analyze the effects of the polarizations of the $Z$ gauge bosons through the polarized $H^\ast\rightarrow ZZ \rightarrow \overline{\ell}_1\ell_1\overline{\ell}_2\ell_2$ decay width as well as left-right and forward-backward asymmetries, which are found to be sensitive to new-physics effects. Particular focus is put on the effects of the absorptive parts of the anomalous $H^*ZZ$ couplings, which have been largely overlooked up to now in LHC analyses. It is found that the studied observable quantities, particularly the left-right asymmetries, can be helpful to look for effects of $CP$-violation in the $H^*ZZ$ coupling and set bounds on the absorptive parts. For completeness, we also analyze the case of unpolarized $Z$ gauge bosons.Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Article funded by SCOAP3 and published under licence by Chinese Physical Society and the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Science and the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and IOP Publishing Ltd

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