
3.1 Prisms Producing Polarized Light 3.1.1 Uniaxial double-refracting crystals Certain types of crystals, such as calcite (Iceland spar or calcium carbonate) exhibit the property of double refraction or <i>birefringence</i>, as first observed in calcite by Erasmus Bartholinus in 1669. For the class of crystals called <i>uniaxial</i>, there is only one direction where all light rays travel along the same path at a constant velocity. This direction defines the optic axis or principal axis, and any plane that contains the optic axis is called a <i>principal plane</i> (sometimes called a <i>principal section</i>). The optic axis is not a specific line, but indicates a direction in the crystal where there is no double refraction. For all rays not traveling along the optic axis, the velocity is determined by a pair of refractive indices called the ordinary refractive index <i>n<sub>o</sub></i> and the extraordinary refractive index <i>n<sub>e</sub></i>, and the path of an incident ray is split into two rays, the so-called o-rays and e-rays. Birefringence is specified by the number (<i>n<sub>o</sub></i> &#8722; <i>n<sub>e</sub></i>). Moreover, these o-rays and e-rays are polarized and vibrate in mutually perpendicular planes. Only rays traveling parallel to the optic axis will not be split, and <i>n<sub>o</sub></i> is therefore assigned to this direction. One way to represent this refractive index variation is by use of the <i>indicatrix</i>.<sup>1</sup> Figure 3.1(a) shows a positive uniaxial indicatrix in the shape of an oblate spheroid, where <i>n<sub>e</sub></i> &gt; <i>n<sub>o</sub></i>, and Fig. 3.1(b) shows a negative uniaxial indicatrix in the shape of a prolate spheroid, where <i>n<sub>o</sub></i> &gt; <i>n<sub>e</sub></i>. Both have circular symmetry in planes normal to the optic axis, and when the indicatrix has a spherical shape, <i>n<sub>e</sub></i> = <i>n<sub>o</sub></i>, and the crystal is isotropic. 3.1.2 Nicol polarizing prism One of the first prism polarizers to utilize a birefringent crystal was developed by William Nicol in 1828 and is known as the Nicol prism. The Nicol prism shown in Fig. 3.2 is constructed from negative uniaxial calcite, where <i>n<sub>o</sub></i> = 1.6584 and <i>n<sub>e</sub></i> = 1.4864 for &#955; = 589.3 nm. Calcite is a widely used material because of its clarity, stability, high spectral transmission range (200-5000 nm), and high birefringence. Two triangular sections are optically coupled at the hypotenuse by a thin coating of optically clear cement such as Canadian balsam (<i>n<sub>cement</sub></i> &#8776; 1.54) with the optic axis direction as shown.

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