
The present study considers the dependence of characteristics of light scattering by aggregate particles on the refractive index, size, and number of spherical particles composing the aggregate, as well as on the structure and porosity of the cluster. The parameters were varied in sufficiently wide ranges to let a coherent picture of the polarimetric properties of relatively small aggregate particles emerge (the size parameter of the aggregate is less than 10). It was shown that, in the framework of the aggregate model, the behavior of polarization phase curves observed for both comets and regolith surfaces can be explained. The modeling carried out confirms that the sizes of the cometary dust particles are larger than the wavelength. However, the grains forming the cometary dust particles or the regolith (or details of the particle surface) have a size less than 0.3–0.5 μm. This agrees with estimates obtained by other methods. The determining role in the formation of the polarization phase curve is played by the structure of the external layer of the clusters. The appearance of the negative branch of polarization and its shape substantially depend on the effectiveness of the interference of multiply scattered waves and on the interaction in the near field at these phase angles. Interference and interaction in the near field in turn are determined by the sizes of elementary scatterers and the structure of the ensemble. If the number of constituent particles in the aggregate is larger than several tens, its role in the formation of the negative branch of polarization is minor, while the influence on the polarization maximum position is rather substantial. The polarimetric data alone cannot provide a unique estimate of the refractive index: the brightness measurements must be invoked as well. For a more complete quantitative interpretation of the observations, the scattering matrix of aggregates comparable in size to or larger than the wavelength must be calculated in the short- and long-wavelength ranges, which still encounters serious theoretical and technical difficulties. Moreover, in order to obtain unique results, it is obvious that the spectral range of observations must be extended and that other types of measurements, such as spectroscopic ones, must also be used.

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