
The Solar Magnetic Cloud (SMC)/Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) event of January1997 triggered auroral displays in all sectors of the auroral oval as well as in the polar cap region.Near infrared emissions from these auroras were recorded simultaneously in the night sector overSondrestromfjord (Sonde), Greenland, in the day sector over Longyearbyen, Svalbard and in thepolar cap region over Eureka, Canada. The spectral distributions of these emissions indicateprecipitation of electrons with average energy ( E AV) of (500±100) eV,dissipating most of their energy around (180±20) km height ( h max) in thethermosphere. These findings are consistent with the concurrent auroral ionization profilesrecorded by the Incoherent Scatter Radar soundings at Sonde. In contrast, most of the nighttimeauroras, not related to SMC/CME events, are excited by electrons with E AV > a few keV and peak in the lower thermosphere with h max around 110 km.Similarly, normal dayside cusp auroras and polar cap drizzle excited emissions emanate from theupper thermosphere above 200 km altitude. SMC/CME related auroras were also observed inOctober 1995 at Sonde, and in May 1996 as well as in May 1997 at the South Pole Station inAntarctica. Spectral characteristics, and hence E AV and h max, of all these other SMC/CME related auroras, are similar to those of the January 1997event. These observations suggest that during a significant part of the period when SMC/CMEplasmas and fields interact with the magnetosphere, relatively low energy electrons precipitate inthe thermosphere. Such SMC/CME triggered auroras interact with the middle thermosphereconstituents in the 160–200 km height region. The latter region is inaccessible for remote sensingits composition and thermodynamics in normal auroras, which generally peak at lower heights; theSMC/CME events provide the opportunity for such investigations.

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