
Regionally aimed research into musical-and-aesthetical thinking accounts for only a small part of explored scientific issues that require broader philosophical, art-theoretical as well as linguistic erudition. Summarizing of relevant sources that have been discovered to date provides scope for making evaluations and outlining some possible research strategies. A very important source for our knowledge is musical-and-theoretical treatises that (in certain passages) sporadically go into areas considering music influence on the listener, perception mechanisms as well as their impact on the sense of paideia taken into account by the then scholars. Apart from rarely occurring treatises, analysis of other texts, e.g. literature artworks, linguistics works with etymological or dictionary focus, reflections of composers etc. leads us to new knowledge too.


  • Aimed research into musical-and-aesthetical thinking accounts for only a small part of explored scientific issues that require broader philosophical, art-theoretical as well as linguistic erudition

  • A very important source for our knowledge is musical-and-theoretical treatises that sporadically go into areas considering music influence on the listener, perception mechanisms as well as their impact on the sense of paideia taken into account by the scholars

  • Prehistóriou sme pre potreby časového vymedzenia našich úvah nazvali obdobie od druhej polovice 15. storočia až po poslednú tretinu 19. storočia, aj keď naša štúdia nepojednáva o celom tomto období.[2]

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Aimed research into musical-and-aesthetical thinking accounts for only a small part of explored scientific issues that require broader philosophical, art-theoretical as well as linguistic erudition. Jeho korene sú pravdepodobne na Spiši a je dosiaľ najstarším objaveným primárnym dokumentom hudobnoteoretického myslenia, ktorý vznikol u nás.[7] Napísaný a používaný bol pravdepodobne pre každodennú prax vyučovania hudby na latinskej stredovekej škole.

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