
Anal fissure is one of the most prevalent diagnosis in patients with anorectal symptoms. Depending on the chronicity, treatment choices vary, from topical and conservative management to operative ones. PRP is a blood-derived product with a three to five-fold platelet count and can be used for restorative purposes. The objective of this study is to assess the therapeutic effect of intralesional PRP in acute and chronic anal fissures and comparing it with the classic topical approach. We included 94 patients with acute and chronic anal fissures and divided them into intervention and control groups. Control patients were treated only with topical compounds, and the intervention group received one dose of intralesional autologous PRP plus the same classic treatment. We assessed patients 2 weeks, 1 month, and 6 months later. The mean pain score in the intervention group was significantly lower than control groups in all visits (p-value <0.001). During the follow-ups, the bleeding rate was significantly lower in the intervention group, so in the sixth month, the bleeding was 4% in the intervention group against 32% of the control (p-value <0.001). The healing rate assessed by examination was 96% in the intervention group against 66% in the control in the sixth month (p-value <0.001). Although there may be no significant difference in healing rate between groups in the acute anal fissure, the PRP group is significantly superior in the chronic setting. We concluded that in anal fissure treatment, PRP plus topical products are significantly superior to alone topical treatment.

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