
Platelet-derived growth factor receptor α (PDGFRα), a tyrosine kinase receptor, is up-regulated in hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) during chronic liver injury. HSCs mediate hepatic fibrosis through their activation from a quiescent state partially in response to profibrotic growth factors. HSC activation entails enhanced expression of profibrotic genes, increase in proliferation, and increase in motility, which facilitates migration within the hepatic lobule. We show colocalization of PDGFRα in murine carbon tetrachloride, bile duct ligation, and 0.1% 3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine models of chronic liver injury, and investigate the role of PDGFRα on proliferation, profibrotic gene expression, and migration in primary human HSCs (HHSteCs) using the PDGFRα-specific inhibitory monoclonal antibody olaratumab. Although lacking any effects on HHSteC transdifferentiation assessed by gene expression of ACTA2, TGFB1, COL1A1, SYP1, and FN1, olaratumab specifically reduced HHSteC proliferation (AlamarBlue assay) and cell migration (transwell migration assays). Using phospho-specific antibodies, we show that olaratumab attenuates PDGFRα activation in response to PDGF-BB, and reduced phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 and 2, Elk-1, p38, Akt, focal adhesion kinase, mechanistic target of rapamycin, C10 regulator of kinase II, and C10 regulator of kinase-like, suggesting that PDGFRα contributes to mitogenesis and actin reorganization through diverse downstream effectors. Our findings support a distinct contribution of PDGFRα signaling to HSC proliferation and migration and provide evidence that inhibition of PDGFRα signaling could alter the pathogenesis ofhepatic fibrosis.

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