
The creep of a metal matrix composite is discussed by emphasizing the role of an internal stress and its relaxation by diffusion. The internal stress is produced by a difference in strains of plastic character (eigenstrains) between the matrix and dispersoids of the composite. The matrix plastic strain which is caused by slip dislocation activity accumulates the internal stress. The eigenstrain of the dispersoids is brought about by diffusion which occurs to relax the stress. The balance between the accumulation and relaxation of the stress results in a stationary state of creep. When the matrix has a constant flow stress, the stationary creep rate is proportional to the applied stress over a threshold value which is the matrix flow stress multiplied by the volume fraction of the matrix. Transient creep deformation is also examined and, finally, the relation of the present analysis to the Nabarro-Herring and Coble creep is discussed.

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