
The aim of the experiment was to study the relationship between plasma lactate and allantoin accumulation in horses undergoing five exercises differing in intensity and length. Twenty-five adult trotter horses were used (18 males, two castrated, and five females), housed in three training centers. The horses were assigned to five groups: slow trot, over 2000 m (Group 1); slow trot over 1600 m (Group 2); fast trot over 1600 m (Group 3); fast trot over 2000 m (Group 4); fast trot over 2400 m (Group 5). Plasma was obtained from blood sampled at rest, at the end of the bout of exercise and after 15 and 45 minutes from the end of the bout of exercise and analyzed for glucose, lactate, uric acid, free fatty acids (FFA) and allantoin concentrations. Accumulations of plasma lactate and allantoin (mmol/sec) were calculated as difference between end of exercise and rest and between 45 minutes sample and rest, respectively. Ranking the intensity of exercise using the lactate concentrations at the end of exercise, the level of exertion was highest for Group 3 horses and lowest for Group 5 horses (20.9 and 2.8 mmol/l, respectively). At the end of exercise, glucose concentrations were much higher for horses undertaking the more intensive exercise (Groups 3 and 4 compared to Group 2). FFA concentrations were highest at the end of exercise for Groups 2 and 3 and after 15 minutes for Groups 4 and 5. Plasma uric acid and allantoin concentrations peaked 15 and 45 minutes from the end of exercise, respectively, independently of exercise intensity. The relationship between accumulation of plasma allantoin (y, dependent variables) and lactate (x, independent variable) was non-linear: y=0.15−2.61*x+68.3*x2 (r2=0.900; se=0.19). This suggests that allantoin accumulation could be used together with plasma lactate to calibrate the workload to muscle conditions to prevent muscle injury.

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