
All 38 geriatric assessment service units identified in Michigan were surveyed and responded as a component of planning a statewide network of diagnostic and assessment services for patients with dementia. Most units were outpatient (71 percent), urban (71 percent), and hospital-based (82 percent). Some provided primarily geropsychiatric services (21 percent), while the rest provided general geriatric services. The staff included physicians (95 percent), nurses (100 percent), social workers (95 percent) and other professionals (SO percent) such as nutritionists, neuro psychologists or clinical pharmacists. Assessments performed by most units included physical (92 percent), psychosocial (95 percent), functional (95 percent), neurological (71 percent) mental (95 percent), and financial (89 percent). Patient referral sources were most frequently self/family, followed by physician, community agencies, and community mental health. Reasons for referral were most often confusion! memory loss, followed by behavior change, caregiver stress, depression, and evaluation for placement. Most patients seen were between 65 and 84 years of age (72 percent), lived within 25 miles of the unit (87 percent), and had dementia (62 percent). Urban sites assessed significantly more persons per month (19 percent) than non-urban sites (4 percent). Community-based services spent significantly more time per month on geriatric assessments (68 hours) than did hospital-based services (26 hours). These survey results will aid the development of a statewide network of dementia diagnostic and assessment services.

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