
Samples of phyto-, bacterio- and zooplankton were collected from two small fjords of West Spitsbergen Island during the spring and summer seasons of 2007–2010. The phytoplankton level was generally low throughout the study period; total algal abundances being somewhat higher in spring compared to the summer, with the exception of 2007. Although the species composition of the dominant algal plankton groups varied among years, Dinophyta and Flagellata always contributed the most. Total bacterioplankton abundance in the upper water layer of both fjords varied between 0.45 and 3.5*106 cells/ ml. Total bacterioplankton abundance and biomass in Gren-Fjord and Billefjord imply their mesotrophic state. The abundances peaked in spring, exceeding the summer values 1.5- to 3‑fold in different years. The relative abundances of different morphological types of bacterial cells in Gren-Fjord during sampling periods of 2007, 2009 and 2010 were similar; and the cocci morphological type dominated. In 2008, however, the bacterioplankton consisted of nearly equal abundances of rods and cocci in both fjords. Bacterioplankton concentrations in the top 30‑m water layer were 2–2.5 higher compared to near-bottom layers. The zooplankton species diversity was dominated by widespread Arctic and ArctoBoreal species. While Calanus finmarchicus (Gunner 1765), Oithona similis (Claus 1866), nauplii and veligers of bivalves contributed the most in abundance, the greatest contribution to biomass was made by Calanus finmarchicus and Sagitta е legans (Verrill 1873). Being an important control of zooplankton development, hydrological conditions strongly influence the spatial distribution of the community.


  • Samples of phyto, bacterio- and zooplankton were collected from two small fjords of West Spitsbergen Island during the spring and summer seasons of 2007–2010

  • The phytoplankton level was generally low throughout the study period; total algal abundances being somewhat higher in spring compared to the summer, with the exception of 2007

  • The species composition of the dominant algal plankton groups varied among years, Dinophyta and Flagellata always contributed the most

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Материалы и методы

Исследования проводились в 2007– 2010 гг. в заливах Грен-Фьорд и Биллефьорд о. Залив Грен-Фьорд, расположенный на Земле Норденшельда, представляет собой южное ответвление залива Ис-Фьорд, самого крупного на архипелаге Шпицберген [Королева и др., 2008], а Биллефьорд является средним заливом Ис-Фьорда. Сбор материала в заливе Грен-Фьорд проводился в летний период (июль–август, температура воды в поверхностном слое 5–7,6 °С), Рис. 2. Схема отбора проб в заливе Биллефьорд Fig. 2. – дополнительно в поздневесенний период (июнь, температура воды в поверхностном слое 0–4 °С). В заливе Биллефьорд пробы отбирались летом (август) 2008 г. В заливе Грен-Фьорд пробы отбирались на 9 станциях по трем поперечным разрезам залива – Ex, Fin и Ald из поверхностного слоя воды, а в некоторые годы на разрезе Bar (3 станции) и на ст. В заливе Биллефьорд пробы отбирались на 8 станциях 2), исследования бактерио- и фитопланктона проводились в поверхностном слое воды.

Зоопланктон Zooplankton
Результаты и обсуждение
Gymnodinium arcticum Wulff
Polychaeta larva x
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