
Objective: To determine the frequency of risk factors associated with Placental Abruption. Design: Prospective andObservational Case Study. Setting & duration: Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Liaquat University of Medical and Health SciencesHyderabad, for a period of 15 months from January 2006 to March 2007. Patients & methods: All the antenatal patients/ pregnant ladiesadmitted to labour room /ward and delivered during the above mentioned period were scrutinized and those suffering from Abruptio Placentaewere entered into this study by completing a proforma for each patient. The risk factors studied were; Age of Patient, Parity, past history ofabruption, rural belonging, history of trauma, association with diabetes, hypertension, smoking and anemia. Results were analyzed on SPSSversion 10. Results: A total of 100 patients suffering from placental abruption were studied during 15 months period. The commonest age groupwas 30 years (47%). Majority (54%) was multiparous, 66% belonged to rural population and among these, 2/3 were unbooked. Only one patientgave history of trauma. 5 patients had history of previous abruption. History of diabetes was present in only one patient, whereas 38% werehypertensive. Only 4 patients gave positive history of smoking. Anemia was the single most common factor present in 83% ladies.Conclusions: Age around 30 years, multiparity, hypertension, presence of anemia, rural belonging and previous abruption are the risk factorsfor placental abruption as per this study. No association of abruption has been found with trauma, diabetes or smoking in this study.

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