
Tuberculosis of the hypothalamo-pituitary axis is extremely uncommon. The presentation of panhypopituitarism in a case of sellar tuberculosis is an even rarer occurrence. We present a case of a 44-year-old man who presented with complaints of headache and right-sided diminution of vision for six months. A hormone profile showed abnormal anterior pituitary assay suggestive of panhypopituitarism. Magnetic Resonance imaging of the brain showed a sellar mass measuring 1.8 × 1.5 × 1.3 cm with suprasellar extension suggestive of a pituitary adenoma. Histopathological examination showed multiple epithelioid cell granulomas along with Langhans giant cells and mixed inflammatory infiltrates against a necrotic background. Zeihl Neelson stain demonstrated the presence of acid-fast bacilli. Thus, a final diagnosis of pituitary tuberculoma was made, and the patient started on antitubercular therapy. It is extremely important to correctly diagnose sellar tuberculosis as the treatment is entirely different, and the patient usually responds well to therapy.

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