
Strains of basidiomycete yeasts isolated from different sources were studied in order to determine the content of carotenoid pigments and ubiquinone Q10 for subsequent selection work to obtain producers of these substances. High specific productivity of carotenoids (600-700 mg/g) was revealed in the representatives of the following species: Cystofilobasidium capitatum. Rhodosporidium diobovatum, R. sphaerocarpum. Rhodotorula glutinis, Rh. minuta, and Sporobolomyces roseus. The ratio of the major pigments (torulene, torularhodine, and beta-carotene) in the representatives of different species was studied. Certain specific features of pigment formation in relation to the taxonomic position of the yeasts were determined. Eurybiont species with substantial ecological lability are the most active producers of carotenoids and ubiquinone Q10 among the epiphytes. It is the first time a comparative analysis of the coenzyme Q10 content in different taxa has been performed using several strains of the same species. The maximal coenzyme Q10 production (1.84 mg/g of dry biomass) was found in the yeast species R. sphaerocarpum.

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