
As the core of spintronics, the transport of spin aims at a low-dissipation data process. The pure spin current transmission carried by magnons in antiferromagnetic insulators is natively endowed with superiority such as long-distance propagation and ultrafast speed. However, the traditional control of magnon transport in an antiferromagnet via a magnetic field or temperature variation adds critical inconvenience to practical applications. Controlling magnon transport by electric methods is a promising way to overcome such embarrassment and to promote the development of energy-efficient antiferromagnetic logic. Here, the experimental realization of an electric field-induced piezoelectric strain-controlled magnon spin current transmission through the antiferromagnetic insulator in the Y3Fe5O12/Cr2O3/Pt trilayer is reported. An efficient and nonvolatile manipulation of magnon propagation/blocking is achieved by changing the relative direction between the Néel vector and spin polarization, which is tuned by ferroelastic strain from the piezoelectric substrate. The piezoelectric strain-controlled antiferromagnetic magnon transport opens an avenue for the exploitation of antiferromagnet-based spin/magnon transistors with ultrahigh energy efficiency.

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