
Summary Objectives The aim of this critical review was to discuss performance analysis characteristics and particular physiological demands related to karate kata and kumite. News The intermittent nature of karate has been revealed via kumite's time-motion analysis, with a 1:1.5 effort-pause ratio during official competition. Karate combat is mainly dependent on the aerobic metabolism. However, decisive actions’ energy is provided by the anaerobic system. Concerning kata, it seems that the fraction of the energy supply is mainly a function of kata's duration. The high-energy phosphate seems to be the major contributors while the aerobic energy system’ participation rises with the increased kata's duration. Prospects and projects Future investigations in an ecologically valid environment are needed to support the findings presented in the current review. Conclusion Irrespective of karate's discipline, the aerobic system represents the main energy system, especially in longer kata. Kumite appears to demand much higher metabolic power than kata, regardless of gender, while kata appears to require more ATP-PCr energy system contribution than kumite.

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