
Pyrolysis of sewage sludge to produce liquid for fuel use is under study as a promising way to derive value from this waste. The physicochemical properties of such a liquid were studied in this work. The total liquid and organic yields were 49 and 31 wt % of dry ash free feedstock, respectively. The gas and char yields were 32 and 20 wt % of dry ash free feedstock. The liquid was nonhomogenous, dark, bad-smelling, and sticky. By centrifugation, three phases were obtained: 11 v % top, 52 v % middle, and 37 v % bottom phase. The top phase did not contain water, had a high heating value (LHV = 41.1 MJ kg−1) and the lowest nitrogen and sulfur contents (2.4 and 0.2 wt %) of the three phases. Some nitrogen compounds were water-soluble and could be washed out with water, obtaining a 12% reduction in the nitrogen content. The phase contained mainly alkanes and alkenes (C12−C24), triglycerides, and steroids (C27−C29). It showed miscibility with diesel in the proportion 1:10, indicating good cofiring properties wit...

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