
A biochemical investigation of arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) in Physcomitrella patens was undertaken with particular emphasis on the glycan chains. Following homogenization and differential centrifugation of moss gametophytes, AGPs were obtained by Yariv phenylglycoside-induced precipitation from the soluble, microsomal membrane, and cell wall fractions. Crossed-electrophoresis indicated that each of these three AGP fractions was a mixture of several AGPs. The soluble AGP fraction was selected for further separation by anion-exchange and gel-permeation chromatography. The latter indicated molecular masses of approximately 100 and 224 kDa for the two major soluble AGP subfractions. The AGPs in both of these subfractions contained the abundant (1,3,6)-linked galactopyranosyl residues, terminal arabinofuranosyl residues, and (1,4)-linked glucuronopyranosyl residues that are typical of many angiosperm AGPs. Unexpectedly, however, the moss AGP glycan chains contained about 15 mol% terminal 3-O-methyl-L: -rhamnosyl residues, which have not been found in angiosperm AGPs. This unusual and relatively nonpolar sugar, also called L: -acofriose, is likely to have considerable effects on the overall polarity of Physcomitrella AGPs. A review of the literature indicates that the capacity to synthesize polymers containing 3-O-methyl-L: -rhamnosyl residues is present in a variety of bacteria, algae and lower land plants but became less common through evolution to the extent that this sugar has been found in only a few species of angiosperms where it occurs as a single residue on steroidal glycosides.

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