
The Brn1 reductase melanin biosynthesis gene in the fungal genus Bipolaris was sequenced in 74 strains of 22 species. The Brn1 region was highly conserved among the species examined at the nucleotide and the amino acid levels. To elucidate the phylogenetic relationships among Bipolaris species, trees were inferred from nucleotide sequences of this region. Species in these trees formed exclusive clusters clearly separated from one another, except for B. panici-miliacei and B. setariae, and B. victoriae and B. zeicola. When unidentified strains were added to this tree, they fell within known species or formed independent clusters. These data indicated that the Brn1 gene region was suitable for species-level systematics within the genus. The results also suggest that Bipolaris consists of two or more clades that may reflect teleomorphic connections.

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