
The Frankliniella genus-group comprises over 270 species in ten genera. It is one of the important groups in Thripinae, and includes some important pests. A phylogenetic analysis of genus-level relationships within the Frankliniella genus-group was performed, based on 55 morphological character states scored for 23 species representing 11 genera, including an outgroup, Thrips physapus. Six most parsimonious trees were generated from the analysis under equal weighting schemes. Pseudanaphothrips was recovered as monophyletic, and as sister group to a clade comprising five genera, Yaobinthrips, Parabaliothrips, Sitothrips, Firmothrips, Kakothrips, in which Parabaliothrips showed to be a paraphyletic group. Frankliniella was paraphyletic, with Frankliniella zizaniophila + Iridothrips + Pelikanothrips kratochvili forming one clade that was sister group to the rest of the species of Frankliniella + Guerothrips moundi. According to the phylogenetic analysis, Guerothrips is proposed as a new synonym of Frankliniella, and Pelikanothrips is considered a new synonym of Iridothrips. The genus Iridothrips is revised with a key to five species, including I. zizaniophila comb.n., I. kratochvili comb.n. and I. lobulatus sp.n.. A key to the eight members of the Frankliniella genus-group is provided.

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