
Neodiprion Rohwer (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae) is a Holarctic genus of conifer-feeding sawflies with a remarkable amount of inter- and intraspecific diversity in host use, behavior, and development. This variation is thought to play a central role in Neodiprion diversification, but speciation hypotheses remain untested due to a lack of a robust phylogenetic estimate. Here, we utilize sequence data from three nuclear genes (CAD, ANL43, EF1α) to obtain a phylogenetic estimate for the genus. These analyses suggest that: (1) North American and Eurasian Neodiprion are monophyletic sister clades, (2) the sertifer group is paraphyletic with respect to the monophyletic lecontei group, and (3) on at least two occasions, dispersal from eastern to western North America proceeded via southern host bridges. Based on these results and host biogeography, we revise a previous scenario for the evolution of Neodiprion and suggest maximum ages for the genus and for the lecontei group (25 My and 14 My, respectively). In addition, because a previous study reported rampant mitochondrial introgression in the lecontei group, we assess its prevalence in the sertifer group. Analysis of three mitochondrial genes (COI, tRNA-leucine, and COII) reveals that mito-nuclear discordance is prevalent in the sertifer group, and patterns of species monophyly are consistent with those expected under frequent mitochondrial introgression. As was the case for lecontei group species, we find that introgression appears to be most pronounced between species that occasionally share hosts, suggesting that divergent host use is an important barrier to gene flow in Neodiprion. Finally, we suggest that the lack of phylogenetic resolution and prevalence of species non-monophyly in the non-Pinus feeding Neodiprion may result from the rapid divergence (possibly with gene flow) of these species following their entry into a novel adaptive zone.

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