
Evolutionary relationships among members of Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) tribe Caucalideae Spreng. and related taxa were inferred from maximum parsimony analyses of chloroplast DNA restriction sites andrps16 intron sequences and the results compared to an existing phylogeny for the group based on nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer sequences. While these three data sets were not similar in size or composition, the relationships among the shared taxa, with few exceptions, were concordant. Three major lineages are recognized, coinciding with the previously delimited Scandiceae subtribes Daucinae Dumort. (Agrocharis, Ammodaucus, Cuminum, Daucus, Orlaya, Pachyctenium, Pseudorlaya), Torilidinae Dumort. (Astrodaucus, Caucalis, Glochidotheca, Lisaea, Szovitsia, Torilis, Turgenia, Yabea), and Scandicinae Tausch (Anthriscus, Kozlovia, Myrrhis, Osmorhiza, Scandix). Included in Daucinae is representation from tribe Laserpitieae (Laser, Laserpitium, Melanoselinum, Monizia, Polylophium). Daucinae and Torilidinae arise as sister taxa in the chloroplast DNA-based phylogenies, whereas in the ITS trees relationships among the three major lineages are unresolved. Unexpectedly, three species ofFerula ally with Daucinae and Torilidinae. The position ofArtedia is equivocal, occurring either sister to Daucinae in the ITS trees, within Torilidinae in the intron trees, or sister to Torilidinae upon analysis of combined ITS and intron data.Chaetosciadium trichospermum emerges withinTorilis, and is recognized asTorilis trichosperma (L.) Spreng.

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