
Abstract A description is provided for Phyllachora bakeriana . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: Known from Cassia fistula, C. hoffinanseggiana and C. inaequilatera. DISEASE: Causes a leaf spot of Cassia species. The disease is not significant in economic terms; it appears to be unsightly and not seriously damaging to the host plant. Little is known of its ecology. Being a tropical species it probably does not show marked seasonality, but ascomata seem to be most often mature in January or February. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Central America: Grenada, Jamaica, Puerto Rico. South America: Brazil; probably more widespread. TRANSMISSION: This has not been studied, but ascospores are probably dispersed in the air and directly infect leaves, in common with other Phyllachora species.

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