
To describe the proportion and type of health coverage, family monthly budget designated to health care and population habits regarding health care resources utilization in Argentina. 1022 face to face surveys were done by TNS – Gallup during November 2014 across the country in an adult population of Argentina representative of the whole country (SD +/- 4, 2%, IC 95%). A probabilistic, polietapic and stratified by home quotations sample design was used. Only one interview per home was done. Sample Demographics: Gender: Female 53% / Male 47%. Age: 18 – 24: 19% / 25 – 34: 21% / 35 – 49: 28% / 50 – 64: 20% / 65 - >: 12% Social Stratification: ABC1 5% / C2C3 38% / DE 57% Country Distribution: Capital City 9% / Buenos Aires 25% / Other States 66% Proportion and type of health care coverage: Without health coverage (public sector): 42% HMO: 38% Private Insurance: 10% PAMI (Retirees): 10% 10 months is the time that in averages every Argentinean goes to the physician. Visits vary from 12.58 Months (Without Insurance) to 4.99 Months (PAMI – Retirees Insurance); private sector average is 8.31. 50% of all the visits are done for a general medical examination (just 22% due illness or symptoms). 16% is the monthly familiar budget designated to health care resources. 8% of the population have expressed borrowed due medical expenditures. As is seen in other studies, population covered with a private insurance and those in the older ages uses health resources more frequently than the uncovered and younger population (Hazard Risk?). How the population uses health care is influenced somehow due variables like age, socioeconomic status and type of coverage. Full references, additional variables explored and additional conclusions will be presented in the full paper.

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