
Irradiation of etiolated wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings with a single pulse of blue (B) light with a total fluence equal to that of 1 min of sunlight causes the destabilization of nuclear-encoded Lhcb transcripts. Transcript destabilization is not observed in phototropin1 (phot1, formerly nph1) mutant seedlings, indicating that phot1 is likely the photoreceptor mediating this response. Destabilization is also absent in nph3 mutants, but occurs normally in nph4 mutants. The rates of Lhcb transcription and B low-fluence-induced Lhcb transcript accumulation are normal in phot1 seedlings, confirming that photl regulates destabilization, not a change in transcription. A similar pattern of regulation is observed for the chloroplast-encoded rbcL transcript. The lack of destabilization of a second chloroplast encoded transcript, psbD, indicates that the phot1/B-high-fluence system does not result in a general destabilization of all chloroplast transcripts. Localized sequence similarity between the Lhcb 5'-UTR and the rbcL 3'-UTR suggests a similar mechanism of destabilization even though the two transcripts are located in different sub-cellular compartments. The high-fluence threshold of phot1-mediated RNA destabilization contrasts with the low-fluence threshold required for phot1-directed first-positive phototropic curvature. This study indicates that phot1, like phytochrome, can discriminate between several fluence ranges and direct responses in specific tissues or different sub-cellular compartments.

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